Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Yet Another Squeecheck

Squee had her recheck and x-rays at the vet, today. We wanted to see how her bones were knitting and if she was ready for her cast to come off. Well, her bones are healing nicely, but they're not quite there, yet. She was able to stop wearing a splint, however, and now her leg is just wrapped in a stiff layer of cotton and wrap which is less clunky and seems more comfortable for her. She'll get looked at again in three weeks (or earlier, if the bandage begins to irritate) and we'll again see if she's ready to let her leg flap free in the wind.

It was a long morning, and when we got home, Squee was ready for a nap. Here are a few pictures and videos of the fuzzball post-recheck.

Go home, Squee. You're drunk.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Just Some Random Squee

There's nothing new to report, but I was able to give Squee a break from her e-collar tonight, and she really enjoyed having unrestricted access to her body, again.

First, she scratched alllll the itches.

And then she played with a toy, sorta.

And now she's asleep. :)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Squeecheck

We were at the specialty vet's again a couple days ago for Squee's next bandage change. Things are looking good, and hopefully she will be ready to be cast-free in a bit less than two weeks! Keeping the leg covered for so long is starting to irritate her skin a little, and I can tell she is getting sick of wearing wrapping and her splint. We had to upgrade the size of her e-collar, because she was managing to nibble at her wraps around the last one! Not much longer, now, Squee, just hang in there!

Here are a couple pictures of Squee dozing with a couple of her puppy pals here at my house.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Walk Like A Squeegyptian

Hey all! It's been a while since I've updated, as things have been a bit hectic here at Chez Squee. But, our fluffy, white heroine continues to do well. She had another recheck and bandage change last week, and her surgeon is very pleased with how her leg is progressing. Next week, she'll have another bandage change, and two weeks after that, she'll have an x-ray. If all of the bone grafts have fully fused together, she will then be cast-free!

Right now, her leg is very itchy. Whenever I take her e-collar off, she nibbles on her cast and itches at it with her foot. I suspect the combination of regrowing fur, fusing bone and healing incision is making her want to grab a spoon and stick it down her cast to scratch at her leg!

With all that itchiness, Squee has decided two legs are better than three, right now, so this is how she's been getting around the house. I'm hoping she'll begin using her front leg again, but I do have to admit, this is pretty awesome to watch and makes me confident that no matter what happens with her front leg, this gal is going to be just fine.