Friday, March 7, 2014

Walk Like A Squeegyptian

Hey all! It's been a while since I've updated, as things have been a bit hectic here at Chez Squee. But, our fluffy, white heroine continues to do well. She had another recheck and bandage change last week, and her surgeon is very pleased with how her leg is progressing. Next week, she'll have another bandage change, and two weeks after that, she'll have an x-ray. If all of the bone grafts have fully fused together, she will then be cast-free!

Right now, her leg is very itchy. Whenever I take her e-collar off, she nibbles on her cast and itches at it with her foot. I suspect the combination of regrowing fur, fusing bone and healing incision is making her want to grab a spoon and stick it down her cast to scratch at her leg!

With all that itchiness, Squee has decided two legs are better than three, right now, so this is how she's been getting around the house. I'm hoping she'll begin using her front leg again, but I do have to admit, this is pretty awesome to watch and makes me confident that no matter what happens with her front leg, this gal is going to be just fine.


  1. Who said a dog needs 4 legs anyway? :) Love that Squee.

  2. you go big girl! I can not wait to see you with the cast off and running

  3. wonderful...I was so excited to see how great Squee is doing and looking....made me cry.

  4. AW, she looks wonderful! I'll bet she is very happy to be out of that playpen and prancing around on her hind legs. Please give her lot of hugs and kisses from me.

  5. She is an amazing little girl and has such determination! Nothing's gonna keep her down :-)

  6. cool! and you can always get a dog to use the fixed leg by "taking away" one of the others. I did it on a foster that needed a reduction on rear hip joint (was hit by a car). Love your baby :-)
