Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Squee End

Well, everyone, it has been a wonderful experience helping Squee and getting to share her progress with all of you. This afternoon her new "momma", Holly Ray, came and picked Squee up. She's on her way to her new home where I know she will be cherished and have a fantastic life full of love, sunshine and horses! I'm going to miss her, but I couldn't have wished for a better home, and I'm honored to have played a part in getting her there. Thank you to everyone who participated on this journey, wished Squee well and brought her into your thoughts and your lives.

It's been a heck of a ride, and I'm so glad to have been able to share it with all of you.

Squee and Holly, new best buds. Just look at that smile!

Squee on the ride home!

Monday, May 12, 2014


Squee went in for her next- and final- leg recheck! Her vet decided that as the pin was still solidly in place and was adding a tiny bit of stability to her leg, we might as well just leave it in. It may be that it will have to come out at some point in the future, but for now it will stay where it is. This means that Squee's leg is healed and she no longer needs check ups!!

Squee is walking on her leg more and more, and she tends to use all three when she's on bumpy or unfamiliar terrain or if she's not in a hurry (or wants to do a lot of sniffing). When she really wants to make tracks, especially if she's on familiar ground, she still swaps over to her back two legs which provide a lot more speed. It's likely that she will always swap back and forth from three to two as the situation warrants, but having a third, strong leg means she'll always have that option.

Our second piece of exciting news is that Squee has found a home! Her new owners have 25 acres of land and they own horses, cats and a couple other rescue dogs, including a rescue eskie! And best of all, her new "mom" is a veterinarian, so if Squee does need any further leg care or surgery in the future, she'll be in great hands! Squee will be going to her new home in the middle of the week, and it will be a bittersweet moment for me. She's been a part of my life for more than seven months, and we've been through a lot together. I'm going to miss her eskie smile, her fluffy "pantaloons" and the strange toddler-footfalls of Squee running pell-mell through the house on her back legs. But I am so thrilled that she's completed this step in her journey and that she's going to a wonderful home, rescued and repaired, and with a bright, healthy future ahead of her.

Thank you so much, everyone who has made this possible. Thank you, those of you who have donated to make her surgery possible. Thank you to those who have shared her story. Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and has shared in this adventure. We couldn't have done it without you!

Lastly, here are several videos of Squee enjoying a sunny day outside, using both three legs and two.