Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Quick Update

Hey, all!

I just wanted to share a brief update on Squee and how she's doing. Her leg has almost completely healed, and so far as I can tell, she does have nerve awareness in her foot (or, at least, she pulls it away when I squeeze between her toes). So, hopefully, her leg hasn't been permanently damaged by infection!

Two incredibly generous donors, Karon Stewart and Lucy Franco, have purchased Squee a cart made by Wheelchairs for Small Dogs LLC. It's a great interim cart to try and keep Squee off her front leg. However, the company's owner, Beverley, hasn't made too many carts for dogs with front leg issues, and the cart kept tipping forward, whenever Squee was in it. So, we've sent it back to be modified and hopefully, with a couple changes, we'll be able to give Squee some extra mobility!

Squee in her cart. If I let go, it tips over. :(

She goes back to the specialist vet next Tuesday, and he'll assess the leg. We'll discuss which option, amputation or reconstruction, is most likely to e her better option at this point, and we'll go from there.

Please continue to share Squee's story! Both surgeries are expensive, and we can really use any help we can get! And thank you, once again, to those who have donated. We couldn't do this without you!

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