Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Okay, that title may be taking the replace-words-with-Squee thing a little too far, admittedly.

Squee got her splint and bandages changed today, and the vet says everything is looking great. She is becoming very popular at the vet clinic, due to the fact that she's a) tiny, b) adorable,  c) has puppy breath and d) is a natural schmoozer. She'll go back in 2 weeks for her next recheck and splint change, unless the bandages get gross or wet, before then. Hopefully, they'll make it two weeks!

I also realized that my little video-editor software thing lets me makes 'movie trailer' style videos. So, of course, I had to make one for Squee.


  1. OMG I love this :) What a good little patient.

  2. I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS PUP!! Typical Eskie, nothing gets them down!
